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Owen Mantz Copywriting, LLC

Writer's pictureO.K. Mantz

Types of Copy in Demand in 2023

Industry reports and market research have begun to speculate on what types of copy will be most in demand in the year 2023. As companies look ahead, they must ask themselves, what forms of copy provide the most effective and efficient content? How can effective copy change the way that people think, act, and purchase?

Copy is the term used for virtually any form of written content used for marketing and promotion. It is often broken down into two major categories: advertising copy, which is specialized writing used to persuade people to purchase a product or service, and content copy, which is writing used to inform, entertain, and engage. Copy can also be further divided into a variety of sub-types, including website copy, email copy, direct mail copy, press releases, sales letters, and more.

The copywriting industry is constantly evolving and changing. In the past 10 years, many new copywriting techniques have emerged that have completely changed the way businesses connect with their customers. By the year 2023, it is expected that the following types of copy will be the most sought after by businesses looking to effectively reach their target audiences.

1. Visual Copy

It is no secret that people respond more positively to visual stimuli than to written content. In order to stay competitive in the digital age, companies must create visually attractive and compelling copy that engages users and encourages them to take a desired action. Visual copy, including infographics, illustrations, and photographs, is especially effective for explaining complex topics, conveying emotion, and making an impression on customers. It is also a valuable tool for businesses to help boost their visibility across social media platforms. According to a 2013 study, visual content is forty times more likely to be shared on social media than other types of content. With the world becoming increasingly digital, brands have an opportunity to create visuals experiences that not only engage customers, but also form meaningful connections with them.

2. Personalized Copy

In the age of personalization, copy tailored to individual customers is critical to success. Personalized copy enables businesses to connect with customers on an emotional level and show them that they are valued and appreciated. Personalized copy is also much more effective at boosting customer loyalty and engagement than generic copy. A study conducted by Evergage found that personalized email copy can result in up to a 760% increase in revenue per email, compared to generic emails. Moreover, personalized messaging through email, web content, and social media posts is an easy and effective way for companies to deliver a consistent customer experience. In the coming years, personalized copy will continue to play an important role in marketing efforts, and companies that don’t take advantage of it will miss out on major opportunities to engage with their customers.

3. Storytelling Copy

One of the most powerful forms of copy is storytelling. Stories have the unique ability to grab a customer’s attention and make them feel personally invested in a brand. Stories can also offer insights into a brand’s identity, values, and mission. Storytelling copy can also be used to create experiences around products, giving them a sense of familiarity and creating an emotional connection with customers. In the digital age, storytelling copy is especially important for businesses to establish a unique presence and create meaningful relationships with their customers.

4. Mobile Copy

As more and more people go online using their mobile devices, it is essential for businesses to create mobile-friendly copy. Mobile copy should be concise, clear, and easy to read on smaller screens, and should also take into account different mobile behaviors and habits. For example, users accessing content on their phones may only be scrolling for quick snippets of information, so copywriters must ensure that the headlines and subheadings are attention-grabbing and to the point. Additionally, users may be accessing content from different locations, so the copy should be optimized for each device’s screen size and operating system. Mobile copy should also focus on delivering quick and easy solutions, as well as providing links to other services or products. Finally, mobile copy should be engaging and interactive to keep users coming back.

5. SEO Copy

In the ever-evolving digital world, SEO copy remains an essential tool for brands to boost their visibility and drive more organic traffic to their website. SEO copy includes page titles, metadata, headings, and descriptions, as well as the content itself. Quality SEO copy is essential for businesses to rank higher in search engine results, increasing the chances of attracting more leads and customers. Additionally, SEO copy should incorporate keywords relevant to the business’s industry to make content even more discoverable. As businesses build up their online presence, it is important for them to invest in SEO copy to ensure their place in search engine results.

6. Animations

One of the newest trends in the copywriting world is animation. Animations can add more depth and visual interest to content, as well as making it easier for customers to understand and relate to difficult concepts. Animations are especially effective for showing how products work, instructions for use, and other technical information. By 2023, animations are expected to become an even more popular form of engagement, as more and more companies invest in creating memorable experiences for their customers.

7. Long-form Copy

In recent years, long-form copy has gained momentum as an essential component of a brand’s digital marketing strategy. Long-form copy is often used to drive conversions or inform customers about a product or service. For example, long-form copy could be used to explain the features and benefits of a product in great detail. Long-form copy should be thoughtfully composed and engage users throughout the reading process. Additionally, long-form copy should be concise, to the point, and utilize SEO techniques to remain visible on search engine results. As digital marketing strategies become increasingly complex, long-form copy is expected to remain a key component of engaging and converting customers in the years to come.

Copy is an essential component of marketing and promotion. By 2023, the types of copy that will be most sought after are expected to include visual copy, personalized copy, storytelling copy, mobile copy, SEO copy, animations, and long-form copy. Companies must recognize that effective copy is a powerful tool that can help them engage, convert, and retain customers. By 2020, businesses must appreciate the importance of investing in quality copywriting in order to remain competitive and successful.

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